Canadian- Made Algaecide Treatment for treatment of filamentous algae and blue-green algae

Algaecide is a simple, easy-to-use, and safe solution to tackle algae in your pond, dugout and lake. Ackenberry Trout Farm carries Canadian-made ProClear Algaecide, which has been used to spot treat hair algae and blue green algae (cyanobacteria) throughout Alberta.
ProClear has treated many residential and commercial algae problems in Western Canada.
Ackenberry Trout Farm stocks ProClear Algaecide in 1L and 4L so you can treat any sized problem!
ProClear algaecide is NSF Certified for drinking water!
**Do NOT exceed 3L/1 million gallons**
For smaller pond stocked with fish, Ackenberry recommends 1mL/1000L.

Algae in Alberta
Ackenberry Trout Farm proudly carries ProClear Algaecide which has been proven to treat algae in Alberta . There are two main types of common algae (blue-green algae and filamentous algae) and they must be treated very differently if they are already present. ProClear Algaecide can treat both kinds, in different application rates. Algaecide works by being absorbed by the algae which then kills it.
Our staff trust ProClear for various home and farm applications. This product is safe to use in dugouts, fish ponds (maximum 1 liter per 1000000 liters of water), sewage lagoons, manure pits, septic systems,
residential drinking systems, and potable water tanks.
ProClear Features:
NSF 60 - Drinking Water Certified
Safe for livestock, fish, wildlife​
Made in Canada

Aeration is crucial for the survival of your trout and the overall health of your pond. Algae depletes oxygen levels when it dies, therefore proper aeration prevents fish kills. Ackenberry Trout Farm carries Canadian made Can-Air Aeration systems. Can-Air Aeration systems couple well with ProClear algaecide to avoid fish kills and prevent future algae growth.
Preventative actions are always less expensive, less agressive, and more successful!